Monday, April 4, 2016

If they are all like this who bought iPhone

If they are all like this, who bought iPhone ... ... 20160401-o-phone-1

Ask a simple question: "what do you wake up every day and the last thing before going to bed? "Estimated that most people answer:" mobile phone. "Indeed, now Smartphone applications with each passing day, powerful almost into every corner of life. Even say someone has when it is itself an organ too much, did not carry any day just like ill uncomfortable. Technology push people to go against the stream, too busy to look. Do you remember 15 years ago, what is life without a smart phone like? When phone has just replaced the BP machine, you can always call to send text messages, no longer looking for public telephones, bring joy to people, but something that matter, said won't take up too much time. At that time we were wealthy. Disney case Disney mini cases

Now, however, we use too much time for a "box" – the first is a Smartphone. This may mean that we will limit our creativity. No free time for us to think in the long run, did not allow us to establish contact with those things that did not previously exist, there is no time to let the brain rest, do not have the time to watch, listen and accept other things or communicate with people face to face. "Bowing" you can get more light, and slowly lose perception of life. How scary! Can stay away from the fancy stuff, make life simple and beautiful? Of course! There are homes, you can choose to deny the Smartphone, back to their own time.


Oh,NO! not ugly, not old yet. I would also like to make friends with people! Ah, the problem has been called o small Mobile Phone solution. O Phone only normal business card size, my whole body white, 3D printers type fairing feel great. UI design based on symbol, breaking the language barrier and more intuitive. Interface only displays signal strength, battery, clock, time, date, call sign, SMS and unlock characters, font in black and gray colors. Volume in side control. There is only one black on the back of the "o" logo. Only this, and no other. Available on the ears, cool down; no into coat pockets, small and takes up no room.

Of course, you will be questioned only by phone and SMS enabled mobile phone? Or is that sentence, win. Believe recent life lips to each other, far much better than each other from the circle of friends. Can't see how them? Pro, it would meet. Nothing is more intuitive than met. From now on, leaving more time to themselves and their friends and relatives.

O Phone concept is: "give me a call, I'd like to hear your voice! "

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Designer: Marko Lazic

Disney case


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